Thursday, March 2

Harry and the Potters

It's for little gems like this that I love a couple of my random pop-culture Web sites. I had no idea that there were Harry Potter tribute bands out there, but thanks to one of my sources, I have been introduced to Harry and the Potters, and their page on MySpace. Four songs are posted up on the MySpace page, and let me tell you, they are a kick. Still others are posted onto the band's site. My personal favorites are "Saving Ginny Weasley," "Wizard Chess," and "The Wrath of Hermione." Seriously, but especially if you dig Harry Potter, check this out. Too cool...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you know they're from Norwood? Yep, as in Norwood--down the street. They played at one of our local bookstores when the newest book came out. Check out their schedule--they're around these parts pretty often . . . unfortunately I won't be! sigh