Wednesday, January 4

Drawers full of stuff

I've got one of those plastic file drawer things in my portion of our home office, and it's always chockablock full of stuff. Last night, I decided that this piece of drawer needed to be cleaned out, as well as the bottom drawer of the oak file cabinet.
Jeez, it's really kind of amazing the things that you decide to keep for a hundred years, you know? Seriously, how many spiral notebooks (ripe for poetry yet curiously empty) does one need to hold on to? How long does one keep the floppy disks that hold college papers and courses' worth of homework? How many cell phones must you go through before throwing out the old ones?
I've got a drawer full of pretty stationery, that yes, I do use, so I'm keeping it all. I've got a box full of random pictures sent to me throughout the years of friends and family that should be in an album, but aren't. (That box, in itself, goes against every anal-retentive urge in my body.) I kept all the CDs of computer programs and stuff, but finally threw out all the floppies I've saved from college; I do have a floppy reader, but it's kinda crappy, and most of the stuff on the disks I transferred to the iBook years ago. I'm keeping all the artsy supplies in the other drawer, too, because you never know when you might need sidewalk chalk, markers, crayons, rubber cement and colored pens. I tossed out the old cell phone, but kept the power adaptor, since I do still have a Nokia. The big portfolio full of funny cartoons, articles, random papers and such still takes up a portion of the oak drawer, as I couldn't bring myself to throw it out. Those things still make me laugh!
Anyway, the cleaning job is finished, and the drawers are still kinda full, but now there's room for more!


Anonymous said...

Want to clean out my garage ?
When I do it it doesn't look like I did anything just moved things to a different spot.

Anonymous said...

I am pretty proud of myself, as I recently plugged in our old cell phones, deleted the phone book and call logs and dropped them at the CELL PHONE RECYCLE tubey thingy at my local Staples!



Anonymous said...

Thanks abbybelle,I did not know that Staples did that.
I have a pile of old phones to get rid of.