Wednesday, December 28

I am your father...

In a nifty twist of fate, Darth Vader goes from the universally feared "more machine now than man" to a plastic being on my desk spitting out strawberry candies to get me through the afternoon. It's really pretty cute, when you think about it: the way his little head bends back at the neck, kinda like a decapitation, but instead of leaking out a lot of icky blood, it's Pez that ventures forth from his plastic throat.
What an amazing contraption this is! Who invented Pez? Seriously! Will there ever be another treat that can so capture the innocence of a growing pop culture world than this simple candy in a freakishly cool delivery receptacle powered by little more than a finger? I think not!
There should be Pez heads for celebrities too though. But not just characters, like Luke Skywalker or Han Solo (in keeping with the Star Wars angle), but for the people themselves, like a Harrison Ford Pez head. To have candy spew forth from Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie; Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie; Britney and Kevin; our ridiculous president and his v.p.; Hal Fishman; George Clooney; or BONO would be so fun! This is a market in desperate need of being tapped by the Pez people! Such an idea!


Anonymous said...

Ridiculous President!! Ouch !

You are stepping on my toes

Anonymous said...

you so make me laugh out loud!

Anonymous said...

I am sure Vader is more appalled about the Darth Tater Mr. Potato Head or the little M&Ms...

And they would have to make a bigger head and smaller candy part for the Paris one.

And George's head would always be empty.