Wednesday, December 7

Captured by J.Lo.

While I'm not a card-carrying member of PETA (and I believe that the group does go to extremes some times), I do agree that fake fur is the way to go when it comes to clothing and such. The group has recently been attacking Jennifer Lopez, as her clothing line uses a generous amount of fur in its designs. I'm all for attacking J.Lo., if not simply because she seems to be getting way too full of herself, and this new game is an excellent way to spend an afternoon when one should be working. I'm serious, check it out. The idea is to free all the animals and educate all the workers in J.Lo.'s factory before she captures you. I've gotten so far as a couple animals yet to be saved, but Pamela is the superior player so far with getting to only one animal left. Also part of the fun is changing who you are, and what you look like, before setting out on your quest.


Anonymous said...

PETA will want you wearing fig leaves bafore long !!

I wonder,what size do I wear ?

Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with fur, it is warm, feels good and looks beautiful - Leather is nice also, keeps everyone warm and dry, safe from the elements - Meat is a good thing also...keeps those tummys full. Perhaps PETA should start a 100% campaign - no more designer shoes and handbags, no more gourmet meals...

Anonymous said...

For some reason J.Lo got hung up on one of the animals and just sat there....

But I wouldn't know about that because I would NEVER play wacky games while I was at work!

*serious face*