Thursday, September 15


I find that I am uneager to spout off too much about politics here, but I've just got to comment for a moment on John Roberts, the guy Bush nominated for Chief Justice. (He's just finished his fourth day of cross-examination by the Senators.)
But first, a question. At this point, I don't imagine he can be confirmed as only a "regular" Justice, can he? If he's nominated for a "chief" position, is that the only way he can be confirmed onto the Court? No sort of clarification like, "Well, we'll bring you in, but not as our boss."
I'm inclined to say that anyone who won't go on record as pro-choice or pro-life (or as "for" or "against" any other controversial issue, for that matter) should not be allowed to just take up the highest seat in the Court. He talks a lot about precedent and it's importance to the legal system; and I agree that precedent is important. What's dangerous though, is that the Supreme Court can change precedent.
I would suggest that the people should be able to vote on the future of a Justice, too, however, I don't really trust "the people" that much anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Kimmie, just a note from a friend and former co-worker of your Dad's. Just wanted to chime in and say hello for nowas a former (native) Californian now living in Lake Havasu AZ. I wish you the best and try to not freeze this winter ! take care and continued success.